The Department of Software of Computer Systems, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, prepares specialists at all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD) under the educational program Software Engineering for Multimedia and Information Retrieval Systems (specialty 121 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING).
Duration of study:
Bachelor’s degree – 4 years
Master’s degree – 2 years
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – 4 years
Form of study: full-time (state-funded, contract-based).
The scope of activities for specialists in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING within the educational program “Software Engineering for Multimedia and Information Retrieval Systems” encompasses:
- Development of applied software for computer systems and networks, including:
- Corporate systems
- Decision support systems
- Intelligent systems
- Business software products
- Multimedia software
- Web applications
- Mobile applications
- Implementation of databases and knowledge systems aimed at solving diverse tasks, utilizing modern methods and technologies such as:
- ETL technologies
- Clustering methods
- Information Retrieval technologies
- Data Mining methods
- NoSQL technologies
- Data Warehousing
- Big Data technologies
- Data Barcoding technologies
- Efficient processing of textual and multimedia information, including:
- Multimedia and Mulsemedia technologies
- Ensuring efficient data protection through cryptographic and steganographic means
Examples of widely used information retrieval software systems include Google search engines (with Google Maps, Google Earth, etc.), Bing, Yahoo, and others.
The object of activity of specialists in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING under the educational program Software Engineering for Multimedia and Information Retrieval Systems is computer and information retrieval systems.
BACHELORS in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING under the educational program Software Engineering for Multimedia and Information Retrieval Systems can work as software developers and testers.
MASTERS in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING under the educational program Software Engineering for Multimedia and Information Retrieval Systems are specialists capable of solving complex problems in developing architectures of complex software systems and integrating software solutions at the corporate level.
DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY (PhD) in the field of SOFTWARE ENGINEERING are highly qualified specialists whose activity is aimed at developing new methods, techniques, technologies, scientific and technological solutions that will enhance the efficiency of solving complex scientific and technical problems.